Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Wawancara dengan salah satu copywriter terbaik di Jakarta

Name: Afdal Arief

Position: Copywriter

Advertising Agency: Dwi Sapta

Working Experience: 6 years

Why I interest this position in advertising agency like him/her ?

I interest in copywriters because Copywriter is the most Important requirement. They must have an ability to write a new, original, fresh and brilliant ideas.


Arief Afdal taught me about the project transformation from client to copywriter.

First , a client ( usually Marketing Director or Brand Manager ) who wants to advertise his product will meet the Advertising agency ( Account Division or Strategic Division ). Then they will talk about the communication objectives.

Such as : What to communicate? ( What advertising say? )

And then the project will down to Creative Division. Their task is to find how should advertising says.

In Creative Division there is a structure. Creative Director who helped by Art Director and Copywriter. Art Director’s task is all about art. Copywriter’s task is all about copy. Their roles are :

  1. create an original manuscript for advertising scene in television.
  2. create an original manuscript for advertising dialog in radio.
  3. make headline for magazines and newspapers
  4. At the brand storming session , they have to participate giving ideas.


At the Creative Brief , they have to make and create television or radio advertising in team mate. After they got the idea. Copywriter will make the headline and advertising manuscript or story line for advertising in television.

Special skills

  1. Heed to environment
  2. Understand about nowadays culture and many countries culture
  3. Sense of humor
  4. Presentation Technique

Although the idea is bad, when we presented it we have to persuade and influence the client

  1. Writing Skills and Technique

Good Structure, good communication which touch the hearts of many people.


It’s very exciting and fun because we can give out our big n funny ideas. We’ll become very happy and proud if we can get an idea that other people never get.

It’s a amazing proud when people see our advertising and they like it.


When we cannot get any ideas. People who don’t like our advertising and insult them. We’ll very sad.

Additional Stories

When the shooting time, it’s the time when creative people can eat healthy food. When our project is going to make in a reality we can eat everything we want.

2 komentar:

  1. rubah sejarah bisnis yg gitu2 aja, ini nenek sihirnya copywriting hehe.. salam mas bro.. 081294251942

  2. rubah sejarah bisnis yg gitu2 aja, ini nenek sihirnya copywriting hehe.. salam mas bro.. 081294251942
